Due to our strong focus on hardware specification and qualification we have a well equipped measurement lab with the following instruments:

  • Agilent CXA N9000A

    9kHz-3GHz Signal Analyzer with Tracking Generator and Pre-Amp options

  • Agilent MSO-X3034A

    350MHz Mixed-Signal Scope with 4 analog and 16 digital channels

  • Agilent 33522B

    2-channel arbitrary Waveform Generator

  • Agilent 34410A

    6.5-digit Digital Multimeter

  • Hameg HMP-4040

    Two 4-channel, 32V, 2A power supplies

  • La San Marco 85-16 Practical

    The office is equipped with a good old La San Marco 85-16 Practical espresso machine to ensure optimum pleasure in working breaks.

Our lab is completely configurable and controllable from within various scripting languages to ensure absolutely reproducible measurement results.